Previously Sold Works

Artwork by  Exhibition Posters, Six Exhibition Posters: Peter Max; Jeffrey Rubinoff; Karel Appel; Gerald Zeldin; Stephen Edlich; Jack Reppen
Six Exhibition Posters: Peter Max; Jeffrey Rubinoff; Karel Appel; Gerald Zeldin; Stephen Edlich; Jack Reppen

six posters
Peter Max (Mazelow Gallery, November 16-28, sheet size 24.25 ins x 19.5 ins, signed by the artist lower right); Jeffrey Rubinoff (”Steel Sculpture”, Mazelow Gallery, February 2-13, 1971, sheet size 26 ins x 20 ins); Karel Appel (”Documentation Centre: The Complete Graphic Collection”, Art Gallery of Hamilton, November 5 to December 4, 1977, sheet size 35.25 ins x 20 ins); Zeldin (”Drawings, Paintings”, Mazelow Gallery, February 25 through March 10, sheet size 17.5 ins x 24 ins); Stephen Edlich (February 15-March 3, 1973, sheet size 26 ins x 20 ins, signed by the artist; Jack Reppen (”Paintings and Gouaches”, Mazelow Gallery, April 20-May 8 sheet size 35 ins x 24 ins); each unframed
24.25 x 19.5 ins ( 61.6 x 49.5 cms ) ( Item 1 )

Auction Estimate: $175.00$125.00 - $175.00
Price Realized $144.00
Sale date: March 14th 2018

Artwork by  Exhibition Posters, Six Exhibition Posters
Six Exhibition Posters

6 posters
-“Pellan”- Musée national d’Art Maderne, 1955 (24.25 x 18 inches);
-“Marcel Barbeau: oeuvres postautomatistes 1959-1962”- Centre cultural canadien, 1971 (25 x 19.5 inches);
-“Claude Tousignant: Esquisses des diptyques 1978-1980”- Musée d’art contemporain, Montréal, 1981 (36 x 24 inches [sheet] folded into sixths);
-”Marcel Barbeau”- Galerie de Siècle, 1960 (35 x 24 inches);
-”Lawren Stewart Harris: A Painter’s Progress”- McMichael Art Collection, 2001 (68 x 47 inches) (2);
each unframed

x ins ( 0 x 0 cms ) ( each sheet )

Auction Estimate: $200.00$100.00 - $200.00
Price Realized $54.00
Sale date: December 15th 2020


We are currently seeking works by Exhibition Posters to be included in future consignment sales.

If you are interested in selling works by Exhibition Posters or want to get our opinion of value click here for more information or submit your artwork for sale.

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